Jacket Measurement
For Best Results You Need Shoulder and Chest Measurement

Shirt Measurement
For Shirt Measurement You Need Arms, Shoulders and Chest

Pant Measurement
Lastly You Will Need The Waist And Length Of Your Leg
Please use the guide below to help you with your tuxedo measurements

To get the most accurate measurements, you will need a soft measuring tape and a friend. Remove outerwear and jacket and take these 2 measurements. The chest and overarm/shoulder measurements are a guideline for the range of sizes that fit your frame.
The sleeve measurement determines the overall length of the shirt, ensuring that it's long enough in the body to fit comfortably.
The most important information is the waist size and the pants length. Use a nice fitting pair pants that you own as a guide to help with your measurement. The measurements may say something like 34x32. The 34 refers to the waist size and the 32 refers to the pants length, or inseam.